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Personal Development

How to Boost Ecological Well-Being Through Coaching

September 25, 2024

From Buddhists to theoretical physicists , the idea that everything is ultimately connected in an all-encompassing “web of life” has been around for millennia. Today, ecological well-being, which describes the harmonious relationship between people and their ecological system, has become an increasingly important goal for governmental and nongovernmental organizations worldwide. A sustainable and healthy environment …read more.

Prioritizing Purpose: The Essential Role of Coaches in Complex Decision Frameworks

March 12, 2024

Navigating life’s choices is often like choosing between chocolate, strawberry, or vanilla ice cream. That was the challenge our grandparents faced when selecting ice cream at the local market. Yet, today, we’re confronted with an entire wall of options — familiar, delicious, unusual, and compelling in their own ways. The inundation of flavors leaves us …read more.

How to Improve Your Mindfullness and Wellbeing

September 12, 2022

A coach’s state of mind may have an impact on the conversation between the coach and the client. Therefore, a coach needs to learn how to manage their state of mind easily.   Higher well-being levels lead to higher engagement, creativity, social support, and fulfillment. Therefore, by working on raising their well-being, a coach will …read more.

Empathy is Overrated: How Not Understanding Strengthens Your Practice

September 7, 2022

My private consulting business was thriving. I loved the work. I relished the flexibility. I assessed, advised, reported, and left. My clients were not accountable to me, nor was I  responsible for their success or failure. So, when the job offer arrived to be CEO of a $22 million USD nonprofit agency, I was not …read more.

Building Your Presence & Awareness as a Coach

July 13, 2022

A wise leader once said: “Presence eats technique for breakfast.”   So, what is the secret of building your presence? What does “being” involve? And how can you develop better present-moment awareness?  I believe that developing presence can improve a coach’s internal listening skills, self-management and cultivate authentic self-expression.   Like my clients today, I yearned to …read more.

5 Ways to Further Your Coaching Career (When You’re Feeling Stuck) 

January 4, 2022

Coaching can be a very rewarding profession, especially if your work yields good results for your clients. But no matter how great your results, no one is immune to becoming a bit lost in their career. In fact, feeling as if you’ve been settling into complacency isn’t that unusual. Studies show that career stagnation can be attributed …read more.

How to Navigate Large Life Transitions

December 10, 2021

We have all experienced a disruption in the flow of our lives that has shifted us into a season of uncertainty. We find ourselves in a space where we must reorient, learn, rise and transform. This is liminal space. In liminal space, we must summon the courage and create the opportunity to convert knowledge into understanding. In this space, we have the feeling of being just on the …read more.

The Answer

October 20, 2021

I learned to dream by reading fairy tales. I cannot remember the exact tale, the hero, nor the villain, but I do recall understanding that darkness, uncertainty, and a seemingly insurmountable task would vanish with the insight, curiosity or action discovered in the answer. Sometimes the answer was delivered by the fairy godmother, the handsome prince, or the ugly …read more.

The Struggle with Confidence

May 12, 2021

Think back to the last time you were sitting in a room of people and someone was asked to volunteer. Maybe you didn’t think to raise your hand, but you watched the person sitting next to you shoot their hand up and say, “Let me do it.” Now, let’s be honest; what were the thoughts going through …read more.

Great Leaders are Good Coaches

April 28, 2021

Is your team coming to you with problems only? Does your team come to you for every issue they face? Are you disappointed with the level of creativity within your team? Is your team productivity below expectations?  If your answer to any of the above questions was yes, then you need to start coaching your team.  Many leadership …read more.


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