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Personal Development

Are You Tired of Coaching?

March 2, 2018

At the end of a busy year, coaches look forward to recharging their batteries, restoring depleted energies, and engaging in a little self-care. In the new year, we feel the benefits of that new energy; we are motivated, excited, ready for action. However, for a few of us, the tiredness may stretch beyond the “normal” …read more.

Coaching for Joy

February 16, 2018

Personal celebrations are oddly hard for me in a coaching relationship. It seems that they are self-contained, already fully formed, perhaps even (in the best way), cliché. “Hey…I’m happy! That speaks for itself, Coach, so let’s do the high five and move to the next tough thing I’m working through.” Recently a profoundly different experience …read more.

Self-Care Habits that will Improve Your Health, Happiness and Productivity

January 26, 2018

Have you ever watched a client have a breakthrough and realize that they need to take better care of themselves? If you haven’t had this realization yet yourself, you should. Self-care can make you a better coach and a better person. It’s also a great way to stay more connected to your whole self. Here …read more.

Failing Forward in Business

January 11, 2018

“When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.” – Audre Lorde We’ve all been there—hearts beating wildly, sweaty palms, about to make a decision that will in some way change the course of our lives. When …read more.


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