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The Alchemy Method

July 2, 2021

Thump, thump, thump. Deep, rich and reverberating, the feeling can’t be pinpointed within the body. Thump, thump, thump. It resonates straight to the soul, calling upon something within — a visceral response. Thump, thump, thump. It draws each individual into the collective group as Kwame Scruggs, Ph.D. drums. Some close their eyes while others sway …read more.

Coaching for Self-Actualization: Part II

June 22, 2021

In Coaching for Self-Actualization: Part I, I reviewed how Maslow’s work on the Hierarchy of Needs can be used in coaching and the Maslow Centre’s re-conceptualization of it in the 21st century. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs can help a coach better attune to their clients’ needs and help them move to self-actualization. Self-actualization is the exploration of who you are …read more.

The Use and Effectiveness of Provocative Questions in Coaching

June 17, 2021

Did the word “provocative” in the title catch your attention and perhaps lead you to this article? If so, you just experienced the effect of provocation. Which question(s) out of the options below would you select as being provocative? Are you ok? If you were going to die tonight at midnight, how would you spend …read more.

Coaching's Role in Enabling Professional Women

June 9, 2021

“Now that I recognize where my self-doubt comes from, I don’t let it control my actions. I have the power to take action despite my fear.” “I have become less dependent on what other people say and instead look for validation internally. It’s like I have become my own best friend.” I received these comments …read more.

The 'TOSS' Model for Establishing and Maintaining Coaching Session Agreements

May 20, 2021

“Tell me what you want, what you REALLY, REALLY want!” Who knew that the lyrics of a “Spice Girls” song could help new coaches establish and maintain coaching session agreements? Music is a powerful anchor. In my experience, bringing a spin to that song’s wording (along with an easy to remember acronym) can help new …read more.

ICF Core Competencies: Embodying a Coaching Mindset

May 18, 2021

The coaching profession is growing globally and rapidly to meet the evolving needs of our world. As more people make coaching their full-time career, investing in yourself as a coach is even more important now.  To support coaches on their journeys, the International Coaching Federation (ICF) has introduced a distinct new competency in the Updated ICF Core Competencies, which were published in November 2019. This competency is “Embodies a Coaching Mindset.”   I am excited to be learning …read more.

How to Effectively Coach in a Second Language

May 4, 2021

Despite the havoc wrought by COVID-19 on the global landscape, people continue to move to new countries for a variety of purposes. According to the International Organization for Migration, in 2019, there were 272 million international migrants out of a global population of 7.7 billion, which means that one in every 30 people is a migrant. (To compare – In 1995 – 174 million)  I believe that it’s important to …read more.

'Left-Handed' Coaching

April 21, 2021

Do you enjoy working with your non-dominant hand? Eating with it? Writing? Playing? Doing household chores?   Or does it feel uncomfortable? In fact, can you remember the last time you tried to do some of your everyday activities with it?   I am right-handed and I don’t really enjoy using my left-hand, like most right-handers I know. Growing up, I would avoid eating with my …read more.

T-Coach: The Coaching Integration Model

April 15, 2021

Most people know about the GROW model of coaching. But from my experience, I have discovered that when handling the coaching process, there are even more steps to ensure the complete process, especially for a relatively new coach.   The T-COACH model is a more complete model, following the ICF Core Competencies. Here are the steps of the process.  T – Trust  One of the most important factors to create a partnership is trust. Coaches who show trust in their client’s abilities and skills, as well as the whole being of the client, will receive trust in return. Creating this trust can start with:  Showing signs …read more.

From Goals to Tools

April 8, 2021

An accomplished goal is seen as a true measure of success. Setting a clear and smart goal for the coaching process and for each session is one of the core coaching competences. It’s natural for people to visualize success as an upright, vertical effort in which we identify an opportunity, set a goal, find the most efficient route to achieve it and celebrate the triumph (or summarize the lessons we’ve learned). There is however one big disadvantage in that perspective: it takes the shape of a steep climb. And while the view from the top may be worth it, the anxiety of the expected endurance often stops us (and our clients) from even considering “the journey.” Redefining the vertical …read more.


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