ICF Announces 2019 Election Results
The results of the 2019 ICF Global Board of Directors election have been finalized.
Jean-Francois Cousin, MCC (Thailand), has been elected to a one-year term as 2019 ICF Global Board Chair. He was also selected to serve a second two-year term as an ICF Global Board Director. Along with Jean-Francois, Valerie Robert, ACC (Switzerland), and Sara Smith, MCC (USA), were also selected by the Nominating Committee to serve their second two-year terms as Directors.
Catherine Tanneau Cremonesi, MCC (France); Emily Kamunde-Osoro, ACC (Kenya); and Linda McLoughlin, PCC (Ireland/United Arab Emirates), were all newly elected to the Board of Directors for two-year terms.
The 2019 ICF Global Board of Directors will be comprised of:
- Jean-Francois Cousin, MCC (Thailand), 2019 ICF Global Board Chair
- Catherine Tanneau Cremonesi, MCC (France)
- José Augusto Figueiredo, ACC (Brazil)
- Rajat Garg, MCC (India)
- Emily Kamunde-Osoro, ACC (Kenya)
- Linda McLoughlin, PCC (Ireland/United Arab Emirates)
- Valerie Robert, ACC (Switzerland)
- Tracy Sinclair, PCC (United Kingdom), Immediate Past Chair and Director
- Sara Smith, MCC (USA)
The 2019 ICF Global Board Vice Chair and Secretary/Treasurer will be elected by the Board of Directors in January 2019.