ICF Cosigns Global Statement Regarding Climate Change - International Coaching Federation
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ICF Cosigns Global Statement Regarding Climate Change

ICF has joined four other global coaching, mentoring and supervision professional bodies in releasing a global statement on the climate and biodiversity crisis.

ICF, the Association for Coaching, the Asia Pacific Alliance of Coaches, the Association for Professional Executive Coaching and Supervision, and the European Mentoring and Coaching Council have signed a global statement committing themselves to collaborative action and a collective voice on the climate and biodiversity crisis.

The statement is available here.

Comments (16)

  1. agusta.agustsdottir@gmail.com says:

    This is a wonderful thing to read. Thank you!

  2. crheemstra@aacc.edu says:

    I am extremely disappointed and frankly shocked that the ICF would take a stand on what is clearly a political cause. You are not taking into consideration the varying viewpoints on this issue. It runs contrary to what I have learned of ICF Ethical Standards and Core Competencies of this organization of which I am a member.

    • Abby Heverin says:

      As non-political organization, we are adhering to our values of collaboration, excellence, respect and excellence. We certainly appreciate and respect your position on this issue.

      ICF’s vision is for coaching to be an integral part of a thriving society. A thriving society and a healthy planet go hand-in-hand.

      By co-signing this statement, we have committed to provide the coaching community with credible information and research, create safe and challenging spaces for reflection, and work toward carbon neutrality in our events and activities. We invite ICF coaches to join us in these efforts; however, we acknowledge that doing so is an individual choice.

    • andre@burkileadership.com.au says:

      Interesting that this can be seen as a political cause. For me, it is stating the obvious, asking to open our eyes to the fact that climate is changing and we human contribute to it.

      We are not only responsible for what we do, but also for what we decided not to do. If this statement is a political one, then not co-signing this statement would also have been a political one.

      Very happy for this organisation of which I am a member of, that it has co-signed.
      Andre Burki

    • zoe.cohen@shinecoachingandconsultancy.co.uk says:

      I am shocked that an ICF member does not see it as integral for all coaches to raise awareness of reality, with our clients, our communities and ourselves. Climate change is not a ‘political cause’, it is physics… we must all challenge ourselves to open our minds and educate ourselves

      • crheemstra@aacc.edu says:

        In the training I received as a coach, it is not my role to raise awareness of climate change to my clients (or any other cause for that matter). In fact, it would be unethical. So, I’m not clear why we are discussing it here. It doesn’t matter what is important to me or the causes I believe in that is important. My focus is in service to my client. We have to self-manage when it comes to something that conflicts with our worldview. I am open to hear how anyone would justify doing this in a coaching relationship. As humans we are free to believe whatever we want to believe and as coaches, we should not belittle/insult someone for holding a different view.

    • stacypratervigil@gmail.com says:

      This is NOT political. That is EXACTLY why ICF is taking a stand. THANK YOU ICF!!!

  3. felicity@bendtheriver.org says:

    Delighted and excited to see this is now finalised! Many thanks @Magda Mook for your contribution to this statement. We look forward to sharing it with the UK membership.

  4. mjmomeny@gmail.com says:

    I agree with crheemstra@aacc.edu. I was surprised to see that ICF would co-sign this political statement. For those who think climate change is obvious to anyone, I would suggest that you try to get to the actual data upon which all of this is based. It all comes from NOAA, the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration. You will quickly see that that the predictions are based on data from satellites, buoys, ships and argo floats (which have only been around since the early 2000s). Because ships produce heat, the ocean temp measured by ships is higher than the temps on buoys, so there is a correction that has to be made (not apparently clear or universally agreed upon bec it depends on the size of the ship, the load it is carrying and the speed with which it is travelling). Then there is the issue of whether they are measuring water vs air temp. The number of buoys have changed over the years from 4000+ to 25,000+. Mix that all together with the way you interpret the data and which data you choose to include along with prediction models, and you get predictions that may or may not be true. For example, Glacier National Park in the U.S. used a prediction model in the early 2000s to predict that all of the glaciers in the park would be gone by 2020 and posted signs in the park stating that. However, they experienced unusually heavy snowfall in the ensuing years and in 2019, the glaciers were larger than ever. They quietly went around and removed the signs. https://dailycaller.com/2019/06/07/national-park-glacier-warnings/. The climate may be changing…..it changes every day, but will the disasters predicted really happen? Hard to know. There are definitely billions of dollars at stake and fear sells. We recently saw the COVID-19 original predictions off by more than 10 fold in the U.S. Michael Moore’s new movie, Planet of the Humans, is interesting info on how some of the “green” programs are working and how “green” they really are. So as a member of ICF, I am not in agreement with the statement and unhappy that my membership dollars are being used in this way.

  5. zoe.cohen@shinecoachingandconsultancy.co.uk says:

    delighted that this statement now exists – it is essential for every profession to play their part. Coaches have been somewhat behind the curve compared with doctors, psychologists and others, so we have some catching up to do

  6. charpentier.silvia@gmail.com says:

    Colleagues, I work in climate change thinking, policy and practice in Costa Rica and would appreciate any information regarding the convergence of the topic with my Coaching practice. I carry both activities in parallel, but I’d love to learn if this is being blended as a possible Coaching area of interest. I’d appreciate any info at my email above. Many thanks. SIlvia

    • jo@solomojo.ca says:

      Silvia, please reach out to me. I am not aware of any formal ‘blending’ but I too am interested in this. Perhaps we can investigate together!

      To ICF and the other bodies who cosigned this agreement – it is important to put our stake in the ground and acknowledge great problems in the world. As stated in the document, this raises awareness and ripples throughout all aspects of coaching.

      I am skeptical of grand statements I admit, because they don’t always lead to action. A specific goal described is carbon neutral function of business within the organizations. I look forward to reading more about how that is unfolding.

  7. drmiloy@gmail.com says:

    Sadly, climate change has been politicized for decades which has muddy the waters for the public. This has led to division and inaction which has worsened the situation. Human induced climate change is not an opinion or an agenda, it is a scientific fact right along with the law of gravity. When the largest extractor of carbon based fuels on the planet, Exxon publicly admits that their operations are a major contributor to the problem it’s like an arrogant fox knocking on your front door to inform you that it’s about to raid your hen house and “Would you like to watch?”

    In the world of science, it is very difficult to get complete consensus because the proof require is so rigorous.. At the present moment 99.7% of Climatologist agree that human beings are the cause of climate change. One must ask themselves the following, “Do I believe in science or not?” If not, then kindly disrobe, exit the front door of your home, deposit the house and car keys in the box on your right and ambulate to the nearest wilderness area. There, you will issued a spear, directions to the nearest cave and a life expectancy of 30 years or less punctuated frequently by extreme physical and emotional suffering. .

    Much of coaching is about helping people to become whole by partnering and raising awareness. There can be no coaching or modern civilization if the life support system called the Earth is systemically ill. The ICF deserves tremendous credit for cosigning this important global statement.

    • dieckmann67@gmail.com says:

      What do you mean by partnering and raising awareness? Please define. thanks

  8. Rachelle@anencouragedlife.com says:

    I do not see how this directly impacts coaching and am disappointed that ICF has chosen to make a statement on this. There are many different beliefs when it comes to the topic of climate change, and for the governing body to speak on behalf of all members on this topic is mind-boggling to me. As coaches, we know that people hold different beliefs, and we value that. For you to assume a voice for all members of this, I believe, goes against our core principles as professional coaches. I do not tell my clients what they should believe, and you should not assume to make a corporate statement representing all ICF coaches on this topic.

  9. stacypratervigil@gmail.com says:

    The effects of Climate Change is NOT political. That is EXACTLY why ICF is taking a stand. THANK YOU ICF!!!

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