Now, More than Ever
It’s a whole new world out there and we coaches are needed more than ever.
But business, as usual, is not that “usual” anymore:
Coaches who coached face-to-face have switched over to virtual only.
Clients are now working from home and have the added distraction of the rest of their family at home as well. Not to mention learning how to work virtually with all of their colleagues.
Physical distancing has eliminated physical connection with others.
Anxiety levels have risen.
To quote Toronto, Ontario, Canada’s fire chief and general manager of emergency management, Matthew Pegg, “It is OK not to feel OK about COVID-19 and about things like social distancing, self-isolation and about the COVID-19 pandemic in general.”
In a recent interview, I used my skills as a freedom-based coach to discuss the current situation and how we can keep sane and keep working despite the pandemic.
Most of us coaches learned using virtual technology. Some, maybe most, of us already coach virtually. So that switch was not hard. Perhaps a little bump for our clients as they learned not only how to work from home but to meet virtually.
We are if nothing else, adaptable creatures. The response to this pandemic proves that. Good on all of us.
What we discussed in that interview was how to create or keep the routine, look at what has changed, and look at the gifts we are being given by the need to self-isolate.
First, let’s tackle “routine.” We need some things to anchor us in our “old lives”. Routine is comfortable. It is our friend. It grounds us.
What were you doing before that you should and can still do now?
Get up, get dressed, make a cup of coffee, plan your day.
The difference is that you might be planning the whole day with, or for, the whole family! Take a look at your routines and see what you can salvage.
For example, we are regular gym people so it was important for us to be active. We created a space in our home for a mini home gym. We pulled out things we had tried (and abandoned) and lo and behold we now have our daily routine back.
On the flip side of routine are the new boundaries that need to be established.
Children and spouses need to know you are still working.
Fellow colleagues need to remember that almost everyone is working from home and now have family distractions happening. Many a time a child, spouse or family pet will wander into the video view. Let it be your level 3 and be part of the coaching.
For a lot of us and for our clients a whole lot has changed.
And it’s not all bad.
What are the impact and the gifts in all of this?
I’ve been watching social media and what I call the fluff news channels (the serious ones are too depressing to watch) and I see how so many people around the world are adapting.
From evening concerts from the balconies of Europe to the daily neighborhood walks for parents and their kids (while physically distancing) to see the daily window decorations their school friends are making, to those banging pots each evening to honor the front line workers who risk their lives each day.
You don’t have to look far to see how change has happened and brought out the best in humanity.
And the gifts are everywhere! You just have to look.
Many people have now taken the time to do more distance learning. Cooking with family. I recently saw a neighbor out on a walk and she told me that she was finally getting to teach her kids how to do things they needed to know as independent adults. Cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc. As a working single mom this was always on the back burner of life. Now it is a gift she gets to give her children while keeping them busy.
My family now meets EVERY DAY via Zoom to catch up and check-in. My Mom would not have any visitors if it wasn’t for us beaming ourselves into her home each day. Who can you Zoom with today?
We check in with friends way more often than we did before the pandemic.
Think about what it’s like now for you and also for your clients. Your coaching is needed more than ever and your understanding of the new world is just as important. Your coaching shouldn’t change, just your compassion and understanding.
Take a moment today to think of someone who you can reach out to check on.
I promise you, both of you will feel great about it.