Why a Clear Message is Important to Attracting Your Dream Coaching Clients
Picture this: You are at a networking event, and you meet someone who would be an ideal client for you. You get excited at the thought of potentially working with them. But, when it comes time to talk about what you do, you fumble your words, and it comes out all wrong.
If this has happened to you, you are not alone. Some of the most effective coaches have trouble explaining what they do. The problem is, when you cannot talk about what you do, you miss out on potential opportunities and clients.
One key to avoiding this tongue-tied debacle in the first place is to ensure you have a clear message that accurately communicates what you do in words your ideal clients understand.
When you have a clear message, you can communicate more confidently and attract more of your dream clients.
What Is a Clear Message?
Think about your message like an elevator pitch. It conveys the essence of what you do in two minutes or less.
A clear message answers the questions, “What do you do?” and “Why should I care?” in ways that speak to your ideal client.
A strong message delivered clearly and confidently let’s people understand what you do and makes them want to learn more.
How a Clear Message Benefits You and Your Potential Clients
There is a saying in marketing: “If you confuse, you lose.” If your message is confusing, you will lose the interest of potential clients right off the bat. Like any customer, your prospective clients need to know what’s in it for them before they go further.
In fact, a clear message will convert prospects to clients. Imagine someone reading your website or hearing you talk about what you do and thinking, “Yes! This person gets me. Sign me up!”
This is what happens when you have a strong message. You connect with—and convert—more of your dream clients.
As a bonus, you’ll also start feeling more confident any time you talk about what you do, whether you’re on a webinar, Instagram live broadcast or consult call.
5 Key Ingredients of a Clear Message
Words matter. As is often the case, you have a very short window of time to explain what you do.
It is worth your time to create a clear message that explains the value of your work in ways that resonate with your dream clients.
Follow these five tips to ensure that your message is clear, compelling and client-focused.
1) Understand your ideal clients’ specific pain points and desired outcomes.
The goal of your message is ultimately to connect with your ideal clients. The more deeply you understand what your clients struggle with and what they are looking for from a coach, the more accurately you can speak to those needs and explain how you help.
2) Do not use jargon.
It is tempting to use trendy or big words to help explain what you do, but jargon will only confuse your audience. Avoid using self-help catchphrases. Instead, use the exact words and phrases your clients use.
3) Be yourself.
There is nothing worse than feeling fake or inauthentic when talking about what you do. If you feel awkward about the words you are using, wordsmith your message until it feels like you. The more comfortable you are, the more confident you will be sharing it.
4) Use empathy.
While you don’t need to say you’ve been in your client’s shoes (especially if you haven’t), you want to assure prospective clients that you understand what they’re going through—and that you can help.
5) Establish your credibility.
Prospective clients want to know what makes you an expert and why you are the best fit for them. Consider what your dream client would get out of hiring you and what makes you a credible, reliable partner in achieving their goals.
A Clear Message Helps You Communicate with Confidence
Remember that clarity is king! Putting the right words together is an art and a science. Try creating a few messages and then choose the one that feels best.
Once you have settled on a message that feels good to you, it’s time to practice. Share it with your ideal clients to ensure it resonates. Be willing to change your message over time, especially if your service offering or your niche changes.
The better you get at articulating the value you provide as a coach, the more confident you will feel and the more your ideal clients will sign up to work with you.