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Using a Coach Approach in Your Life to Create More Free Time aka ME Time!

September 1, 2019

Earlier I spoke about the importance of free time. Call it what you will: down time, free time, personal time, non-work time…whatever you like. First let’s distinguish between free time and ME time. Free time is that time you carve out for things that you are not getting to, such as strategic planning, writing, projects, …read more.

What is “Free Time” and Why Is It Important to a Coach?

May 1, 2019

From my previous blog post, you will have read that free time, or non-work time, is important to both you and to your client. No question. But what exactly is free time? Free time is also known as “me” time, leisure time, quality time, fun time, spare time, non-work time, etc. The list goes on. …read more.

Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

April 3, 2019

Some years ago, a colleague contacted me to say a relative who had a small business died suddenly, and she needed to close the business and sort out all her personal affairs. The colleague quickly discovered that the inner workings of the business were known only by the dearly departed. There was no documented trail …read more.

How To Rest Like a Pro

March 8, 2019

Most of us coaches combine several roles in our professional lives. We not only lead coaching sessions with clients, but we also run our own businesses, doing all of the work connected with marketing and selling, having supervision and constantly learning and training to keep our qualifications up to date. Often it means switching from …read more.

Refueling Your Own Tank: Resiliency for Coaches

February 8, 2019

Firefighters and police have to stay in good physical shape. Their job requires it. Doctors and lawyers need to stay current on research, trends, precedents. It is critical to them doing their jobs well. As coaches, we have the best job ever! The competencies we use in every coaching meeting include listening well, being fully …read more.

Lead with Greater Ease: Go Below the Waterline

January 9, 2019

Challenges at work (and in life!) are inevitable: tight deadlines, budget demands, relationship challenges …the list goes on. As a leader, you already know that the question isn’t about what to do if you face a challenge but when. Leadership challenges are a given. It’s how you respond that matters. Think about a time when …read more.

Finding Your Niche Means Facing Your Gremlins

December 14, 2018

Evidence is everywhere that coaching is growing. The International Coach Federation (ICF) recently announced that it had exceeded 25,000 ICF Credential-holders and more than 30,000 Members. There is an increase in articles, books, podcasts and interviews about coaching. The number of people identifying themselves as a coach is skyrocketing. Life coaches. Leadership coaches. Performance coaches. …read more.

The Quest for Balance: 4 Powerful Questions to Inspire Real Change

October 31, 2018

People have been in search of balance for what seems like eons. In our current world, where time is scarce, information is abundant, and the to-do lists are endless, balance is seen as the missing piece. The belief is once balance can be found, everything else will fall into place. It’s no wonder the quest …read more.

Don’t Let Your Sizzle Fizzle!

September 14, 2018

I got Oprah-ed! I jumped on the opportunity to enjoy Oprah Winfrey and her trailblazers’ “Life You Want” tour.  I’m living the “Life I Want,” but a check-in always provides a directional boost.  As a lifelong learner with a growth mindset, a weekend-long deep dive into my dreams was a welcome retreat. The weekend opened …read more.

Follow the Heart to Success

September 4, 2018

Frequently our role as a coach is to help clients rediscover passions, so they can align who they are with what they do.  According to a recent Gallup poll, 85 percent of people hate their jobs.  This statistic is a deafening distress call to coaches that there are countless opportunities with C-level execs, office personnel …read more.


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