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Embracing Coaching: how to BE

October 30, 2020

Breathing Again I lowered the hospital bed and pulled the sleep mask on hoping for a few hours of on-and-off, hospital-room sleep before I would be awakened in the middle of the night for a brain MRI and CT scan. I was scared to fall asleep. Would I wake up? I texted with my wife. …read more.

Become a Better Coach by Developing Your Intuition

September 30, 2020

We are all intuitive. As professional coaches, developing your intuition can accomplish two significant things in your coaching practice: It can accelerate growth in your business because you will better know who you work with, who to consider as a client, and when to make referrals to other professionals as needed. It cultivates a sense …read more.

Why Wait? Let Your Presence Dance in This Moment!

September 23, 2020

As the global pandemic reached my homeland, Canada, I intuitively added core elements of the ICF Core Competency of Coaching Presence to my stress management toolkit. Those gifts aligned with presence, which we bring when coaching clients, have been  fabulous in optimizing self-care and alignment during this time of uncertainty. “Is present and flexible…dancing in …read more.

Time for Coaches to Take Care of Themselves First

September 1, 2020

You cannot imagine how many times I started writing this post. The Universe continually directing me away from my usual entrepreneur bent and back to the current situation of the “new normal” life of living in the midst of an uncertain world. A world of pandemics, civil unrest, social injustice, climate change and poverty to …read more.

Now, More than Ever

May 1, 2020

It’s a whole new world out there and we coaches are needed more than ever. But business, as usual, is not that “usual” anymore: Coaches who coached face-to-face have switched over to virtual only. Clients are now working from home and have the added distraction of the rest of their family at home as well. …read more.

Living and Leaving a Crisis Stronger

April 2, 2020

A crisis is a sudden, overthrowing experience. Everything is different, and old strategies do not work for you as they used to. The things you knew, the habits you had, the plans you were following—it all falls apart. A small virus, when globally spread, can send your entire team into social distancing, stop the flow …read more.

Coaching Leaders to Success in Our Emerging New World

April 1, 2020

The Leaders We Need Now We live in daunting times. Leaders at every level are confronted with an array of significant challenges. The extended upheaval of our “business as usual,” due to Covid-19, reduces the profile of other threats. They have not disappeared. Geopolitical tensions, growing concerns about climate change, how we collaborate to recover …read more.

Resolution Season? Nope, Not Yet.

January 28, 2020

It’s the New Year! You sit down at your table and begin to write the goals you have for the year because well, that’s what you always do. But you could be making a costly mistake, according to Tim Bono, lecturer in psychological and brain sciences at Washington University in St. Louis. The new year is not …read more.

No One Does It Alone: 4 Benefits of Asking for Help

October 18, 2019

Start Before You’re Ready.  Recently, I saw those words written on the mirror in my cycling class and they struck a chord. They got me thinking about things I’ve done before I was actually ready. I’ve always been a “careful risk-taker,” at times relying more on intuition, than logic and rational reasons.  I’m competitive, and …read more.

Plateaus Are Normal, Not Fatal, and Worth Our Attention

October 3, 2019

As adults, we’ve forgotten that taking risks and falling down was how we learned everything. Now, we don’t risk. We protect the image of competence, looking good and fitting in. For many, a point comes when playing it safe is dissatisfying. We tap into our courage and will. We choose to act, to move out …read more.


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