How to Chase Opportunity Without Attachment - International Coaching Federation
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How to Chase Opportunity Without Attachment

Posted by Laura Gmeinder, PCC (USA) | February 6, 2018 | Comments (4)

You started a business. You love your business. And in many ways it’s an extension of you, so it’s hard not to get attached to outcomes regardless of effort. On a great day maybe someone referred a new client. Life. Is. Good. But what about the flip side? Maybe no one “liked” your blog post. Ouch. You want to pull back from the world in shame and hide. You start doubting yourself. But taking it personally and pulling back doesn’t serve the clients who need you. And pulling back in defeat can be one way we sabotage ourselves.

How we respond to results can be the difference between a successful coaching business and one that is floundering. And our response is often rooted in our attachment to the opportunity. But what if you could chase opportunity without attachment? What would that look like? Better yet, what would that feel like? It can be done if you start looking at your effort and outcomes in a new way.

Consider these three ways to chase opportunity without attachment:

1) Embrace an Abundance Mindset

Often when we get attached to an opportunity it’s because we are in a scarcity mindset. One way to be less attached to opportunity is to make sure you have a full pipeline, which can be easier said than done. But, look at the facts. There are billions of people and millions of companies out there who need coaching. Often we are fixated on just one opportunity—and when it doesn’t pan out we’re crushed.

For example, I was coaching a small business that I loved supporting. When I went to confirm their upcoming session, one that we had verbally agreed would start in mere weeks, they said they weren’t able to move forward. At first, I was hurt; I had been so excited about working with them again. In my mind, it was a done deal. And then I thought about the pay day I was missing out on and it smarted. In reflecting on the situation, I realized it was a blessing. For several reasons I was billing this client at a discounted rate and that didn’t feel good. They left the door open to work together so when they loop back it will be the ideal time to introduce my current rates. Reframing the opportunity, I felt empowered and accepted a situation that could have rattled me. Later that week, in a better mindset, I signed a new client (who paid my going rate).

2) “No” as a Compass

“No” can be a powerful reflection tool—if we let it. No gives us an opportunity to pause and reflect on the situation. No is a chance to learn something, to double your energy and try harder or release it. No can be a powerful compass directing us to what we want most.

Sometimes no means no, but often I’ve discovered it’s telling me to try harder. B. Smith once said, “I have stood on a mountain of no’s for one yes.” No opens you up to future opportunities.

What is the “no” that lingers trying to tell you? Set your emotions aside and really look at it from all perspectives. What does this no make room for in your business—or life? Analyzing helps us to process the experience in a way that grows us personally and professionally.

3) Wake Up Every Day Like You Have Never Heard “No”

They say you should love like you’ve never been hurt. I say you should sell like you’ve never been rejected. How? Consider every day as a clean slate and a chance to make a difference in the world. Take inspired action to attract your ideal clients. Do you have a chip on your shoulder from yesterday or are you open to what’s possible? When you are present in the moment your clients can sense that. Focus on the energy you are putting out in the world.

If you are holding on to yesterday’s no, do what you need to do to leave it behind. In addition to working with a coach, one great resource that I’ve added to my toolbox is Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) tapping, a process that helps you move past negative feelings. In fact, it has been so effective that I start every day with tapping. What do you need to do to stay mentally strong? Remember, with enough heart, the hustle always pays off.

As you grow your business, be kind to yourself. Know who you are; attract clients by exuding a confidence that’s fueled by the value you provide. Chase opportunity without attachment by reframing the situation. Your mindset is your competitive advantage.

laura gmender headshot june 2018

Laura Gmeinder, PCC (USA)

Laura Gmeinder, PCC, is a passion igniter; she’s a highly sought-after certified laser coach and motivational speaker. Her passion lies at the intersection of leadership development, mindset, and business strategy. She champions women to take themselves and their businesses to the next level. Laura was honored as a BRAVA Magazine 2018 Woman to Watch in part for her work as co-producer on the short documentary If You Don’t, Who Will?, which focuses on why we don’t have more women leaders and what we can do about it.

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Comments (4)

  1. Wonderfully stated Laura! I have my own coach and we refer to this as “High Intention, Low Attachment”. About a week ago, I was in an anxious place, and it hit me…I was way too attached. The realignment has been amazing. So happy others embrace this mindset, excellent.

  2. Thanks for sharing Karyn! So happy you paused to realign yourself and step away from that anxious energy.

  3. Very well explained, felt ok about all the No ‘s I sometimes get … you have reframed it so nicely … what does this no make room for in your business , made me pause and reflect and I ended up smiling to myself … my mind came up with so many other options !! Thank you ?

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