Do You Know the Value of Your ICF Membership? - International Coaching Federation
New Member-Exclusive Benefit: ICF Engage

Do You Know the Value of Your ICF Membership?

ICF created a Member Value video that provides a brief exploration of some key ICF member benefits that are important to leverage for your coaching business.
Watch here.

Comments (1)

  1. says:

    A. Current situation: Coaching buyers have the option to find a coach via Find A Coach search
    B. Problem 1: Only credentialed coaches are listed.
    This is an interesting approach considering that we are a membership organisation for all coaches, not just credentialed
    coaches. Leaderships across the Chapters are credentialed coaches. This could be viewed as a conflict of interest and non-
    credentialed coaches feel excluded. I would.
    To add to this, the extract from CIF global website is misleading. The Members Directory, as referred to on the website,
    does not exist. Only the Credentialed Coach Finder. “ICF Members are eligible for inclusion in ICF’s online Member
    Directory, designed as a tool to find ICF Members and for ICF Members to connect with one another. Members who hold
    an ICF Credential are also eligible for inclusion in the Credentialed Coach Finder which potential clients may use to find ICF
    Problem 2: Even if you are a credentialed coach, finding you in via the Credentialed Coach finder is challenging to say at
    least. There is no country, region or similar option for coaching buyers to search. For example, entering Queensland in the
    keywords section returns only two credentialed coaches out of 114. While entering Australia, returns 703 credentialed
    coaches out of 799.

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