New Community of Practice Available: Coaching Supervision - International Coaching Federation
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New Community of Practice Available: Coaching Supervision

Coaching Supervision is a collaborative learning practice to continually build the capacity of the coach through reflective dialogue for the benefit of both coaches and clients. We recognize Coaching Supervision as an important element of a coach’s professional development, and we are proud to announce the launch of the Coaching Supervision Community of Practice. This community will explore the importance of reflective practice through interactive webinars, subject matter expert presentations and community discussions. To receive emails about upcoming webinars, please join the contact list.

Comments (29)

  1. Romary says:


  2. says:

    I would love to be part of this community of practice. I understand is very important for coaching practice. Thanks

  3. Looking forward to receiving information on coaching supervision

  4. I would like to receive information regarding coaching supervision.

    Thank you.

  5. says:

    I am looking forward to learning more about your supervision community of practice offer!

  6. This is awesome, so excited for this. Looking forward to connecting and learning.

  7. I;m interested to participate in this CP

  8. Fantastic news! I look forward to participating in this new community of practice.

  9. I would be very interested in collaborative learning with other coaches

  10. Rudy Efendy says:

    I am interested to join the community practice fo coaching supervision

  11. I would like to join the Community of Practice: Coaching Supervision

  12. I am interested in joining the Coaching Supervision Community of Practice.

  13. says:

    I am interested in joining this community of practice.

  14. Liz Myers says:

    I’m trying to reconcile the name of this Community of Practice, Coaching Supervision, with its description. Does the name, Coaching Supervision, imply that coaches will be supervised in their coaching and provided with feedback?

    • Tyler Parker says:

      Hi Liz,

      Thank you for your message! Coaching Supervision is a collaborative learning practice to continually build the capacity of the coach through reflective dialogue for the benefit of both coaches and clients. To learn more about Coaching Supervision and for more details please contact

  15. I am doing coaching supervision and would love to join the community.

  16. says:

    Please let me know, how can a join the community practice for coaching supervision?

  17. says:

    I would be greatly interested in joining the CP Supervision!

    Thank you, Sylvie-Anne

  18. says:

    Thank you so much to create this community of coaching supervision. I lead the supervision committee at the ICF French Chapter. I’m very glad and greatly interested to join your future supervision conversations!

  19. Damian Goldvarg says:

    It is great ICF is starting this Community of Practice. Looking forward to being part of this learning community.

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